Garden Thyme

Late Summer Garden Dreaming



Hello everyone! Can you believe how fast summer has flown by? I have barely had any time to work in my garden and with all the hot weather my plants have really suffered. I have also had some health issues this summer which have prevented me from really being able to enjoy my plants and flowers.  Nevertheless I have still been filling my Pinterest garden boards full of beautiful photos for inspiration. Today I am doing some virtual garden dreaming to get my “flower fix.” I like to imagine that I can magically step right into each photo. You are welcome to join me!


Morning is always an amazing time in the garden.


Early on a summer morning I would love to take a walk down the stone path and on through the arch to see what lies ahead. I can just imagine the sounds of birds and the feel of the gentle morning air, slightly damp with dew. What a truly magical space!





I wish I could step right into this photo through the rusty, ornate garden gate and meander along the brick pathway surrounded by lush plants. I can almost hear the trickling of the water in the beautiful fountain.


Charming red cottage


I love garden statues and fountains. They provide year round interest and a bit of old world elegance to any garden space. I don’t have a fountain but I would love to add one to the landscape next spring. There are plenty to choose from at


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Lovely Patio!


Be still my heart! This space is pure perfection. I would take tea in this garden every morning. I wonder if I would ever leave??? I am sure it would smell heavenly too!



This space just seems to evoke a feeling of comfort, and would be perfect for afternoon relaxing with a good book. I love the stone patio and all of the gorgeous urns and container plantings.


Small square raised wattle beds. French Intensive Garden Design | 16.07.2012 | Filed in gardens


My top garden dream is to gave a French style Potager (kitchen garden) full of herbs and produce. We do have some space available, but it will take planning to make the most use of our yard and landscape and to find just the right spot for a potager.  I am checking out for design inspiration.




Even a small potager would be fine with me as long as I had room for plenty of lavender, rosemary and thyme!


un jardin potager



Well I have enjoyed doing a little virtual garden dreaming with me today! Tomorrow I am joining several blogging friends for a Vintage Gardens Blog Hop, and I can’t wait to see what everyone shares. Even though this hasn’t been the best summer for my own garden, I still have some fun vintage garden accessories and a few potted plants that have added some beauty to the landscape this summer and I will be sharing those in my post for the hop.



Thank you for stopping by today! If you love flowers and vintage style, be sure to join us for the Vintage Gardens Blog Hop tomorrow. Hope to see you soon!


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