Garden Thyme

How to Create a Productive and Practical Garden

Gardens should be beautiful, calming and relaxed spaces that have everything you need to suit your personal preferences. Whilst every garden has a different aim, all of them should have a couple of things in common; they need to be productive and practical places. When it comes to making the most out of your garden it is possible to achieve on a fairly short timeline. Whether you’re creating a dedicated workspace outside, or you’re growing your own vegetables, here are a handful of ideas to turn your garden into a perfectly productive space.

cottage garden in August birdbath with perennials


Create a Productive Workspace


Having a dedicated workspace somewhere in your garden is one of the most practical elements you can create. With an undercover spot you can carry out light work, arrange flowers, store your tools and carry out general hobbies too. You may want to look into bespoke garden workshops for this exact purpose, as it will create additional space for you to be productive at any time throughout the day. It can also be the perfect opportunity to enjoy some quiet time if your household is generally busy!

spring container garden with tulips in popts

Grow Your Own Herbs


You can do a lot even in just a small garden space, especially when it comes to growing herbs and vegetables. Even if you only have room for a couple of small pots, this will help your garden to feel like a highly productive place. Green beans, radishes, mint and rosemary are all low maintenance vegetables that you can grow in a small space, so why not give it a try for yourself?


Choose The Right Types of Plants


When you’re creating your garden, you need to consider what type of plants you need in order to cultivate a practical and productive garden. Try to choose plants that naturally thrive in your climates and be aware of where the sun exposure tends to hit. When you take some time to do a little research you’ll end up with healthier plants that last much longer.


Use Your Garden Waste Wisely


In terms of creating a productive garden, you need to think about what you already have and how you can put it to good use. There are so many great ways to make use of your garden waste so that nothing ends up in the bin unnecessarily. All you need to know is that anything you rake, sweep or clip from your garden can be put to good use if you give it a chance to break down and turn into compost.


Creating a purpose for your garden is clearly very important, as it will indicate what you want to do with it for the long haul. Whether you’ve always dreamt of being self-sufficient, or you’re looking for a covered workspace to carry out your hobby, there is so much you can do to create a thriving environment for you and everybody else in your household. So, enjoy the process of creating your practical and productive garden this summer season.

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