Junkin' Finds, Vintage Style

Top 10 Craigslist Finds By “The Craigslist Queen”

European antiques French antiques Craigslist treaures

Do you love elegant, “Old World” European style? Do you also love creating the  home of your dreams on a budget? If so then I have a treat for you today! My talented friend Larissa Jenkins is back again as a special guest to share her “Top Ten Craigslist Finds.” I have been watching on Instagram for almost two years as Larissa transforms her historic home, The Welch House 1900, into her dream home using mostly thrifted treasures and Craigslist finds. Her home was featured  in the January 2018 issue of Romantic Homes Magazine, the March 2017 issue of Casa e deco Shabby Style magazine and the July 2017 issue of Maison et deco Shabby Style. It is easy to see why after looking at her dreamy photos and perfectly styled rooms and vignettes.

Larissa on Instagram to

  I have started calling Larissa “The Craigslist Queen” as she surely has the royal touch when it comes to finding amazing pieces on Craigslist to give her home a royal European feel.  Take a look at her swoonworthy treasures!

Update: Larissa has launched her new blog, Welch House 1900


What type of furniture catches your eye? For me I love furniture that is unique and unlike any I’ve ever seen before. That was the case with this settee. Isn’t the carving on the back amazing? I love it, and the pillow made by my friend Melissa @le.lis.home just accents it perfectly! I also look for pink upholstered furniture...I can’t help it. I have to buy it almost every time.🤷🏻‍♀️😂🌸👏🏻🙌🏻 have a great day friends. #homeinspiration #frenchcountrystyle #myshabbycottage #cottagestyle #vic

Top 10 Craigslist Finds

Hello friends! I’m so excited that Amber has asked me to be here today to talk about one of my very favorite pastimes…searching Craigslist. I’m definitely an addict I’ll admit it. I drive my husband crazy with our Craigslist excursions, he cringes every time he hears the word craigslist exit my mouth. We bought our home “Welch House’ about five years ago and its literally twice the size of our previous house so its taken awhile to furnish it. Craigslist has been my ‘go to” place to shop since we live in a small town in the middle of nowhere Iowa. Our town is located between to large cities, taking 1-2 hours to reach either one. That doesn’t leave me much options for shopping….enter Craigslist. I have found some amazing treasures on this site and in this post I’m narrowing it down to my top 10 favorites!

Number One: European Stone Mantel
Did you think I was honestly going to save the best for last? No way! I’m starting off with my absolute most treasured find ever…the European stone cast mantel. I saw this particular mantel on Craigslist back in February and it was love at first sight. I couldn’t believe that I was seeing a mantel as magnificent as this one on Craigslist…it wast definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity but there were a few problems. First, was that the mantel was about 3 hours away. We would have to either pay to have the mantel removed from the historic mansion it was currently in, or do it ourselves. I really didn’t feel good. I had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I was bedridden at that time so there was no way I could rip that massive mantel out of a wall and…I didn’t exactly have the funds for it. Eventually after a few weeks the posting disappeared and I was heartbroken.
gorgeous European stone mantel French euro interior style romantic homes
I have to tell you that I thought about that mantel a lot over the next few months wondering why the universe had teased me with the sight of it knowing full well that it wasn’t going to work out! Then on a whim in May I happened to search that particular city’s craigslist and there it was!!! My hands started trembling then my heart began to beat faster! Was I really seeing this? After convincing my husband that we needed it and making sure it would fit our space, we traveled the three hours to get it and bring it home.
I love the European vibe that it instantly gave our living room. The carvings are ornate and I can’t get over the two women statues carved into the sides!! Absolutely stunning they are! I still cannot believe that its mine sometimes, definitely a dream come true!
Number Two: Italian Armoire
This gorgeous Italian armoire has to be next on my list of favorites. I want to have a very European feel in my home and in my opinion no European home is complete without an antique armoire. This Italian armoire was actually in pieces when I saw it on the Craigslist ad but I could tell by the delicate and intricate carvings that it was the real deal. I had to convince my husband to drive three hours to Nebraska to get it. Do you see why he hates Craigslist? We eventually found it (after getting lost in several cornfields) in a dusty farm shed.
antique Italian armoire euro antiques vitnage antiques shabby chic French old world
We assembled it outside the shed to make sure that there weren’t any missing pieces. The armoire has no screws it just fits together by tongue and groove. After getting home and setting it up in the living room I sent a picture to the previous owner…she was so happy and told me that she would treasure the photo for the rest of her life. Her farmhouse ceilings had been to low to accommodate the full height of the armoire so she had never been able to have the gorgeous top piece displayed. The photo that I sent her was the first time she had ever seen it fully set up in all of its glory.
Number Three: The General 
When you first step into Welch House you will be greeted by a stunning vintage basket chandelier affectionately known around here as the “General.” I had been wanting a showstopper chandelier in the foyer for awhile and when I saw the ad for this chandelier on  craigslist I knew he was the one. I always ask about the history or story behind the pieces that I purchase.
antique european settee French antiques chandelier historic home tour
We found out that this chandelier was taken out of one of the very first homes built on Offutt Air Force base in Omaha Nebraska. It had been purchased by a very prominent General stationed at the base in the 1950’s for his home. Imagine the stories it could tell. Also, see that gorgeous settee in front of the buffet? It’s a Craigslist find as well. The settee was imported from Europe and its very old..and stuffed with horsehair.
Number Four: The Parsonage Mantel
I absolutely love this piece! It has delicate french floral swag carvings and the wood matches perfectly to the color of woodwork already in our home. This particular piece was taken out of a beautiful 1890 parsonage the next town over. The owners were modernizing the home and didn’t like the look of this mantel. We later found out that the owners of the parsonage had originally wanted to buy Welch House! Yikes!
craisglist mantel gorgeous tablescape decorating with craigslist finds
Even though it was sad to see such a gorgeous piece being ripped from its home, I was glad to bring it to Welch House where it is much loved. The mantel fits perfectly in between two doorways in the dining room, just as if it had always been here.
Number Five and Six: French Buffet and Gold Sconces
When I found the lovely French buffet for my dining room it was beautiful, but brown. I purchased it from a sweet lady who told me that it had belonged to her Grandmother. I didn’t paint it for a long time. I  eventually broke down and painted it a creamy white with gold accents. I love the look even more now!
Above the buffet I have a gorgeous pair of gold sconces that I recently found on craigslist. I was so excited when I spotted them in the “household” section. They seem very Marie Antoinette to me, and I have them flanking the DIY trumeau mirror that I recently made.
Number Seven: Pink French Settee
I instantly fell in love when I came across this vintage velvet settee. The details are amazing…and I have a thing for vintage upholstery that is pink.

It came with a matching chair that you have probably already noticed in some of my pictures. I love this set and will probably never part with it.

Number Eight and Nine: French Bed and Dressing Table
This is my dream bed. I had been wanting a French style bed with a curved foot board and Craigslist didn’t let me down. I absolutely love the delicate gold details on the headboard and the intricate feet of the foot board.
I always dress this bed in my favorite Rachel Ashwell linens.
The dressing table is gorgeous as well.  I would say that this set dates to the 1930’s or 40’s. I often wonder how many lovely ladies have set down before it and have gotten ready for the day. I hope to have a daughter someday and this furniture will be for her.
Number Ten: Pink Chair
This chair started my obsession with pink upholstery. I literally gasped when I saw it on craigslist. The chair was perfection in every way!!!  It reminded me of a chair that one would come across in the lovely pages of a Rachel Aswell book. I love the faded soft pink velvet and lovely cream and gold details. I will always have this chair in my bedroom and it is a favorite with my cat.
European antiques French antiques Craigslist treaures
I hope you enjoyed this post and hopefully my awesome Craigslist finds will inspire you to search Craigslist more often! You never know what treasures are waiting for you! Thank you so much Amber for allowing me to share my treasures today!!
WOW! What eye candy!  Thank you Larissa for sharing your home and treasures with us! As much as I love to  junk, I have not really spent too much time searching on Craigslist, but after this post I am inspired to start right away! 
(To see more of Larissa’s home, check out her “hauntingly beautiful”  Historic 120 Year Old Welch HouseHalloween Home Tour.)
The Welch House 1900 Halloween Home Tour
Thank you everyone for visiting today! I am sure you enjoyed Larissa’s post as much as I did. Be sure to visit Larissa on Instagram  to say “hello” and give her a follow too, she is truly a sweetie. 
Are you also a Craigslist junkie? I would love to hear from you dear readers. Happy junkin’ and vintage treasure hunting friends! 
Amber Signature copyright 2018 Amber Ferguson
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  • Reply Sasha

    The figures didn’t show up, they only shows as text [filename.jpg] etc.

    July 21, 2018 at 2:12 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Hello thanks for letting me know. I have corrected the issue. Enjoy the post!

      July 22, 2018 at 10:42 am
  • Reply Janet

    These photos take my breath away. Larissa is such a talent. I love her romantic style! Beautiful post Amber.

    July 22, 2018 at 5:28 pm
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