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    Transitioning from Christmas to Winter Decor in the Dining Room

    Happy winter friends! Yes, winter can be happy when you appreciate the opportunities for slowing down, reflecting on the year ahead and endulging in all things cozy and comforting!  I have been nesting around the house during all the snow days we had, and I am particularly loving the winter vibes in our dining room. Today I am excited to be  sharing the dining room as part of a Vintage Cottage Weekend with my friend Debra of Common Ground! This post contains affiliate links. Read more

    Interior Decor and Styling, Winter

    Simple Christmas to Winter Mantel with a Dandan Pine Garland

    simple Christmas to winter mantel #afterchristmasdecor #wintermantel

    After the beauty and excitement of the holidays with festive colors and twinkling lights I like to continue to keep our home looking cozy and magical for winter using greenery and garlands. Today I am excited to share a preview of our nearly finished sunroom and how I am cozied it up for the winter with a beautiful pre-lit Dandan Pine Garland from Seasonal LLC. *I received this garland for review from Seasonal LLC. All opinons are my own.  Read more


    Cozy Snow Days at Home

    Cozy winter decor and snow day ideas

    An unexpected snow day on Monday has turned into an unexpected snow week, extending the holiday break and allowing me to rest mentally and physically, but also to do some winter cleaning and decorating (things I truly enjoy) at a leisurely pace.  Few things in life bring me such joy as an unexpected snow day, and I am nearly giddy about having the rest of the week off. To clarify, I do love teaching, but with the busy-ness of my holiday choir performance schedules from November right up until the day of break, two weeks just wasn’t enough for me to rest and rejuvenate with all the family parties and Christmas celebrations too and I was dreading going back to work. My body and mind really needed this extra time to reset and I truly feel this has been a gift from God for me personally. Read more
