Fabulous Fall Decorating

Elegant Pumpkin Carving Ideas For Halloween Through Thanksgiving

Elegant pumpkin carving ideas that can be used all fall long. Great for Halloween or Thanksgiving

Hello dear friends! Tonight is Trick-Or-Treat in our neighborhood! I always love going around and seeing all of the interesting carved pumpkins. I love traditional Jack-o-lanterns, but I also love all of the pretty and creative carved pumpkins that have become popular in recent years. To celebrate the occasion, I am sharing a quick post of elegant pumpkin carving ideas. If you ran out of time and didn’t get to carve a special pumpkin for Halloween, these elegant pumpkins could also be enjoyed in November and even for Thanksgiving. Take a look!

Not all pumpkins have to be spooky --check these gorgeous pumpkins for a less traditional look.

via Talk Crafty To Me


Using a dremmel or a drill, simple holes, lines, and shapes and designs can be carved into pumpkins to create elegant carved Halloween pumpkin luminaries in lieu of traditional spooky Jack-o-lantern faces or scary monsters.


A Sunflower Pumpkin -- hard choice between pinning to pumpkin board or sunflower board! I like this design -- a candle glow would turn the sunflower the right color!


I love this simple sunflower carved pumpkin design!



Monogrammed Pumpkins - Carve a monogram into pumpkins and place them on your front porch to welcome guests to your bewitching abode. Using a small, medium, and large pumpkin, carve the initial in different sizes and fonts. Layer the pumpkins on an old chair or stool to show off your handiwork.

via BHG

Welcome guests for Trick-or-Treat and on into the first week of November with carved house number pumpkins or a simple and beautiful carved monogram pumpkin.


house number pumpkins - for next fall, love this!!



wishing we had the skills to carve this monogramed pumpkin..




Carve a Pattern - Fabulous Fall Decorating Ideas - Southernliving. Turn standard grocery store pumpkins into decorative votive holders that are embellished with polka-dot cutouts.   How To Make It: Decorative Pumpkin Votive Holdersvia Southern Living

Who says all the pumpkin carving fun has to end on Halloween? These elegant carved pumpkins would be beautiful to welcome guests for Thanksgiving dinner too.


Vermicelli Curlicue Pumpkin: Achieve enchanting effects by scoring the skin of a pumpkin with motifs taken from your home's décor. The curlicues here were inspired by the "Vermicelli" wallpaper from Farrow & Ball on the dining room walls. The flesh was scooped out from an opening cut in the bottom, then the motif was inscribed with a linoleum cutter.

via Country Living



via HGTV Pumpkin Carving Ideas


Cookie-Cutter Pumpkins | Get your carving tools out, because we have 33 ways—from spooky to elegant to jolly—to make your house Halloween ready. Looking for Halloween pumpkin carving ideas for either your front porch or for a Halloween pumpkin carving contest? Look no further as we’ve got the best pumpkin carving ideas for you and your family this Halloween. We’ve got Halloween pumpkin ideas that range from easy pumpkin carving ideas like polka-dot pumpkins to no-carve pumpkin ideas like simple

via Southern Living

How beautiful is this magical path to sweets and treats is illuminated by pumpkins carved with simple leaf shapes and mason jar luminaries? Very beautiful!


Light up a dark evening with pumpkins designed to resemble lanterns. You can quickly make enough to use as path lights.

via Lowe’s Creative Ideas

These mini pumpkin lanterns are on my to-do list for next Halloween!


Inspiration Lane; Like this idea, could do the same, maybe with a grape motif.


The dark orange flesh inside green pumpkins and gourds is so pretty when illuminated. I love this simple leaf and vine pattern.


A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.Ayn Rand


Bippity-boppity-boo! Just three small rectangles carved into this gorgeous “Cinderella” pumpkin and some crafty embellishments magically transform this pumpkin into a coach fit for a princess!


via Martha Stewart

I have always wanted to try carving a beautiful lace pattern on a white ghost pumpkin since I saw this in a Martha Stewart Living magazine a few years ago.


Dinner Party-Theme Pumpkins ~ Jack-o'-lanterns get an elegant makeover from a fresh coat of black paint and sophisticated designs.

via BHG

For a grown up Halloween party, these goblet designs are truly elegant and hauntingly beautiful!


Carve out mini gourds and drop in a tealight! Super simple!

via Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body

Add a touch of natural fall elegance to your Thanksgiving table by hollowing out mini-pumpkins and gourds and using them as votive holders.


Elegant Pumpkin Carving Ideas Tips and Tricks

If you love all of these ideas but don’t like the work,  here are a few posts with pumpkin carving tips and tricks that you might want to check out.

via A Wonderful Thought


DIY Pumpkin Carving With A Drill! @Stephany Hsiao Jimenez for the youth activity this year!

via The Garden Glove


We usually don’t carve our pumpkins until the Sunday evening before our Trick-or-Treat which is always on Tuesday of the week of Halloween. Any sooner than that and they are rotten and mushy. Next year I am thinking of carving some of these beautiful fall themed pumpkins that would be nice to have on display for a few days after Trick-or-Treat too. These pumpkin carving tips by The Scrap Shoppe Blog will come in handy.


Must Have Craft Tips: Pumpkin Carving Tips!

via The Scrap Shoppe Blog


Well dear friends, after working on this post I am thinking I might try a few of these elegant pumpkin carving ideas for Thanksgiving. I love pumpkins and I certainly am not ready to toss them out on November 1st. Have you ever carved pumpkins after Halloween to use as fall decor? I love hearing from you dear readers!

Thanks for visiting today! Happy pumpkin carving!

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  • Reply Heather

    Oh my goodness! These are absolutely beautiful! Such great ideas. I love the Cinderella pumpkin. Happy Halloween!

    October 31, 2018 at 11:28 am
  • Reply Kathleen Rupp

    What inspiring ideas! I loved them. Next year I will have to raise the bar on our carved pumpkins on the porch. ha. Saw your post at the vintage charm party:)

    November 1, 2018 at 4:48 pm
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