Spring, Vintage Style

Vintage Easter Basket with Alabaster Eggs


Happy Sunday and welcome to another Vintage Cottage Weekend! My friend Debra of Common Ground and are loving this new series where we share anything related to the vintage cottage lifestyle, gardening and decor. Today’s post is about the sweetest little white vintage Easter basket (thrifted) that I filled with vintage alabaster eggs. 


I think I paid a quarter for this adorable basket at a yard sale last year. It reminded me of a flower girl basket I used in a wedding when I was abou six years old, so that makes it vintage for sure. I am turning 47 on Friday! The handle is slightly crooked, but it doesn’t bother me. I have noticed this issue with many old baskets.


I purchased several alabaster eggs at my Mother-in-law’s yard sale many years ago, but I haven’t used them every Easter. I think I only showed them once on the blog in a post all about my Vintage Easter postcard collection, and once in a kitchen vignette on IG when we first moved here seven year ago. 





Vintage Rock Italian Alabaster Stone Eggs Pair Paperweight image 1


I think vintage alabaster eggs are so elegant and very vintage cottage. When I was younger I didn’t really like them because I thought they looked like “old lady” knick-knacks,  but now that is just what I love about them!  Totally vintage “Cottage Core” or “Granny-Chic” which are the new buzz terms in the decor world.



Set of 6 Vintage Multi Colored Alabaster Eggs/Made in image 8


 I think the neutral eggs pictured above would look beautiful in a cottage-farmhouse Easter vignette. When searching for these eggs online, you might also want to use the terms “vintage marble eggs” or “vintage egg paperweight.” 



I found very few pictures on Pinterest of alabaster eggs being used in Easter and spring decorating, but I did come across  sets of  alabaster eggs from William-Sonoma in the most beautiful colors!


Williams-Sonoma Easter Brunch

If I wasn’t completely sold on the alabaster eggs, I am now! Love these!



Easter 2021 alabaster eggs, aqua runner 2.jpg

I also love the soft colors of these alabaster eggs in a vintage silverplate cake stand via the blog  Celebrations for Every Season.



 Vintage Easter Basket with Alabaster Eggs





I purchased these little boxwood candle rings for the blue Chinoserie candlesticks on my spring mantel, but they were giving me Christmas vibes so I ended up not using them. However, they were the perfect size to use as “grass” in the basket.



After positioning the candle rings, I simply arranged the alabaster eggs to suit my fancy.



alabaster eggs in vintage basket Easter basket marble eggs

I think this little Eastesr basket of eggs looks so sweet and vintage!   


This beautiful bright pink alabaster egg was a little too bold for the mix in my basket, so I placed it on the mantel next to a colorful bouquet of faux ranunculus.


I haven’t decided where it will end up, but I am liking it in the kitchen as part of an Easter vignette in the built-in cabinet cubby. 



While playing around with this vignette, I discovered that a vintage salt cellar (tiny little glass dish for salt) makes a perfect egg holder!






The basket may also end up next to the lovely vintage alabaster lamp in the music room. Here the eggs take on more of an elegant look. I love how the ivory egg matches the lamp perfectly! Visit my Easter Home Tour coming up Tuesday, April 12th to find out where I end up putting the basket of eggs and to see more of my Easter decorating!


P.S. The word “Charity” popped out at me when working on this post early this morning while finishing up this post. I looked up several verses on charity since I knew the Lord was trying to speak to me using the postcard to get my attention. One of the verses, “Let all your things be done in charity” (1 Corinthians 16:14) really resonated with me. Let ALL your things (every action AND reaction (anger?) be done in charity. Everything we do is to be done with a compassionate heart of love, as Jesus taught. Something to definitely think about this blessed Easter season, and something I certainly need to work on!


I hope this post has inspired you to keep your eyes open for vintage baskets and vintage alabaster eggs on your next junkin’ and thrifting adventures!


For more vintage basket inspiration, head over to Common Ground to check Debra’s beautiful Vintage Florist Baskets for Easter. 


Have a beautiful and blessed “Vintage Cottage Weekend!”





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  • Reply Shelia

    I love these olden baskets and do remember them used at funerals and on grave sites many years ago. I’m old! 🙂 Lovely and your decor is always so lovely. Hope all is well with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 🙂

    March 27, 2022 at 10:40 am
  • Reply Rita C at Panoply

    Sweeet! I’ve collected alabaster eggs over the years and have about half a dozen. I added a few Blenko glass eggs from workshops I attended at their factory. They are super cute for Easter. Pssst…..saw your kitchen corner featured in Southern Lady’s instagram in the May/June issue. Congrats! You & Pam (Everyday Living) both. I love to see my blogging friends get acknowledged – rightfully so!

    March 28, 2022 at 9:08 am
  • Reply Katie Mansfield

    I’m going to have to keep my eyes open for some alabaster eggs. Yours are beautiful and I love how you styled them. I like this new series!

    March 28, 2022 at 1:13 pm
  • Reply Rachel

    What a super lovely idea, Amber!! I love that cute basket…it’s adorable. Those eggs are beautiful and I love how it looks on top of your vintage scale. All of your styling is so pretty…you have a wonderful gift!!! Thanks for sharing!

    April 5, 2022 at 11:57 am
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