Home Improvement and DIY

Home Ownership 101: Tech Talk

Home Technology

Creating a more modern home is easy with the abundance of technology available today. Many people are turning their homes into “smart homes”, where all their tech is connected. If you’re thinking of doing something similar, or just bringing your home a bit more up to date, there are pitfalls you need to watch out for. *This post contains affiliate links.

Installing Unnecessary Tech

It’s easy to get taken in by all kinds of shiny gadgets. People convince you that you should buy things you don’t really need. If you’re going to add new tech to your home, don’t buy anything just because it’s new—get it because it’s useful.

What a silly gadget! I love it! USB airplane fan | CB2


Anyone need a airplane fan charger?

Getting Stuck on One Brand

With any technology, there are usually one or two stand-out brands that people prefer. However, these aren’t always the best for your needs. It’s important not to get taken in by the name on the product, when it might not have the functions you require.

Not Ensuring Compatibility

If you’re planning on connecting various devices, they need to be able to communicate with each other. You should make sure you choose gadgets that have been designed to be compatible with each other, which will sometimes mean buying from the same brand.

MobileVision Bamboo Stands and Charging Organizers



Leaving Gadgets Vulnerable

Connected tech could leave your home open to criminal attacks. If you want to keep your home safe, you need to make sure you buy gadgets that are secure and use them appropriately. There are certain things you can do to decrease the likelihood of a security breach:

Refi Guide How to Stop Your Home From Being Hacked

I am not a techy person, but modern technology certainly is a necessary part of our lives society and these days. Research the best brands and gadgets that will fit your personal needs, and perhaps make your life a little less hectic. I am getting ready to make my grocery “click list” using the app on my smart phone. As much as I complain about technology, I love being able to shop from the comfort of my home and simply drive to the store where my order is waiting on me. I don’t even have to get out of the car! How do you incorporate technology into your daily routine?



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