Buying a house is unbelievably expensive. Your home is probably the most valuable thing you will ever own, and it can take years and years to save up the money for the deposit alone. But once you finally take that step and own your first property, the costs still keep coming, especially if you purchase a fixer upper.
All kinds of things can go wrong with your house, from the electricity and plumbing to the very foundations. Most problems can be fixed by calling a professional contractor, but this can end up being very expensive. There is nothing worse than suddenly being hit with a bill for thousands of dollars in home repair.
So how can you avoid these huge financial outlays? Fortunately there are many tips and tricks you can use to prevent costly issues before they arise, as well as saving money on the repair itself. Read on to learn how you can cut your home maintenance costs.
Be vigilant
The big problems occur when smaller issues are left to deteriorate. As a homeowner, you should be on top of everything that goes on in your house. Keep an eye on things and always be on the lookout for any potential issues that could worsen. It is a good idea to perform a regular audit of your entire property, checking every single appliance, surface, nook and cranny for anything that needs to be fixed.
Perform preventative maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential to stave off the bigger problems that will cost a huge amount of time and money to repair. No one wants to deal with the enormous disruption caused by a home repair job so make sure you focus on the little things. These tasks might cost you a bit of money now, but it will be nothing compared to the huge expense you’ll have to fork out when the problem worsens.
For example, regular maintenance of your plumbing and drainage systems can be invaluable, such as clearing gutters, unclogging drains, sealing crags, and fixing leaks right away. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of plumbing issues arising that could lead to disruption, flooding, and water damage.
Other preventative maintenance projects you can undertake include regularly replacing the batteries on smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, keeping your house clean, dealing with pests, and taking steps to reduce damp and mold.
Fix issues right away
We’ve all been guilty of this at some point in the past. A minor issue rears its head, such as a crack in the wall or a damp spot in the ceiling. You know you need to fix it, but it’s not immediately urgent so you keep procrastinating and putting it off. But eventually, when you least expect it, the problem metastasises and becomes a dire catastrophe that will cost a fortune to fix. The crack becomes a shifted foundation and the damp spot becomes a huge patch of black mold. If you had dealt with the issue the moment it arose, it would have only cost a small amount to fix. But now you are facing an enormous repair bill.
No matter how minor a home repair job may seem, it’s essential you get it fixed right away. Even though you’ll spend a little money now, you can avoid spending a lot more in the future. Be proactive and vigilant with your home maintenance.
Create an emergency fund
The cost of living is at a record high, and many of us are struggling to make ends meet. Not everyone has the disposable income to suddenly spend thousands of dollars on home repair. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep an emergency fund for this kind of issue. Put some money aside each month rather than spending it on luxuries and put it in a savings account or fund. Make sure you only dip into it when a sudden and unexpected expected expense occurs, such as a big home repair job. Although the money might just be sitting there for a while, you will be incredibly grateful for it when it’s needed. Do your research to find a savings account with a good interest rate, so your pot will gradually increase while it is in the bank.
Do it yourself
The best way to save money is to DIY! Even if you don’t have many tools or skills, most home improvement stores will rent tools inexpensively, and there are plenty of tutorials on line.
There are certain basic skills that are invaluable for every homeowner to know. Next time an issue arises in your house, consider whether it is possible for you to tackle it on your own. Do some research and work out exactly how to solve the problem. You may need to visit a hardware store for the right equipment or ask a trusted friend for advice, but this will be considerably cheaper and easier than paying for professional help.
As well as saving money, this course of action will greatly improve your skill set and build your confidence around the house!
Don’t overdo it
Although it is incredibly prudent and admirable to be self-sufficient and conduct home repairs by yourself, it’s important to make sure you know what you are doing. If you push yourself beyond the limits of your abilities, you could risk making the situation worse and spending a lot more money further down the line. Do your best to maintain and repair any issues but if you are not confident or are worried about the task, call in a professional. Although it will cost more money, it is not worth taking the chance of creating a catastrophe!
Shop around
Whether you are buying new tools for your garage, looking for a heat pump repair, or hiring an electrician to rewire your faulty lighting, you should never settle for the first price you see. Ask for quotes wherever you go, as well as comparing the prices from different providers. Each purchase will result in a cost saving that can add up to a significant amount.
This is not to say that you should always go for the cheapest price, as this may not be the best quality option. But you should certainly look for good value wherever you can find it.
Hire a quality contractor
Sometimes it is wholly necessary to call in a professional to get the job done. There are some tasks that are too big or technical for you to handle by yourself. These expenses are inevitable for all homeowners, but there are ways to save money in this area. Not all contractors cost the same amount, and each one will charge differently depending on a range of factors such as expected timeframe, difficulty of the job, and the materials required.
If you are committed to protecting your bank balance, you could choose to always go for the cheapest option. But this may not end well. A contractor could be cheaper because they are less experienced or take shortcuts during the job. Although there’s nothing wrong with saving money, it’s important to never compromise on quality. Make sure you always check the websites and reviews of each professional, and speak with them to discuss the job at hand. You will always be able to get a sense of their trustworthiness and knowledge.
Remember, hiring a quality contractor will ensure that repairs are made properly and efficiently, and will minimize the risk of further damage down the line. By spending a little more, you are making an investment in the future of your home and you can enjoy peace of mind that the issue has been adequately resolved.
In summary, there are so many different ways to save money on your home repairs. From shopping around obtaining quotes to learning DIY skills, you could reduce your financial outlay and prevent further issues from occurring. You may need to spend a little money initially to save money down the line. Just remember that you should always choose quality and professionalism over a cheap price.
Good luck with your home repair journey, and hopefully you will learn some new skills around the house!
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