Fabulous Fall Decorating

Celebrating Fall with Feathered Friends

Decorate for fall and Thanksgiving with pheasants, turkeys, quail and other fall feathered Friends

Thanksgiving is the perfect for celebrating fall with feathered friends around your home! Today I am thrilled to be joining some talented blogging friends in sharing  how we decorate with turkeys, pheasants, quail, owls, and other beautiful fall birds during this special season of gratitude.


Whether you are looking to set a festive Thanksgiving table with a turkey theme or if you are simply a fall bird lover, then you will surely find plenty of ideas to inspire. Be sure to visit the links to each participant’s beautiful blogs at the end of this post.



Fabulous Pheasants for Fall

This year I concentrated on “less is more” in my fall decor, focusing on more traditional looks with simple vintage elegance. I adore pheasants and love how they can be kept on display from early fall through winter in simple, elegant vintage vignettes.



fall vignette pheasnt and velvet pumpkin in urrn. Vintage frames and mirrors elegant fall style

Late Fall Home Tour with Simple Vintage Elegance


This colorful pheasant was a thrifted find from late fall last year and it has quickly become one of my favorites in my growing pheasant collection.


Last year I only had time to style up the pheasant in a centerpiece vignette to share on Instagram before transitioning to Christmas decor.



This year I am loving the pheasant on the little cabinet in the entryway by the staircase. I may try to work it into some kind of traditional Christmas or winter vignette to enjoy it for a while longer.


Vintage fall pheasant vintage bucket with yellow pansies outdoor fall decorating ideas

This colorful vintage pheasant was another thrifted find last year. It’s bright colors make it perfect for styling in garden vignettes on the patio or front porch with colorful fall flowers and fruits of the harvest.


Fall patio table vignette with vintage fall pheasant, gourds, and a french pumpkin on a pedestal urn

I think it’s colors work best for decorating during early-mid fall.



This vintage pheasant doorstop is another one of my favorite junkin’ finds ever. It turns up in various vignettes from early fall through winter. Sometimes I keep it on display year round, since the colors and style work so well in our home.


Vintage Cottage Early Fall Home Tour 2018


Beautiful Vintage pheasant picture DIY vintage fall calendar fall pheasant decor

I made this “vintage” pheasant calendar by printing off an old calendar page and hot gluing craft wood and twine.


pheasant bowl Spode

I had almost forgotten all about this beautiful pheasant bowl until working on this post! I certainly need to bring it out to use for Thanksgiving!


Beautiful pheasant bowl fall dishes Fall home tour

The bowl may actually end up on display year round as well, since I have been gravitating back toward my love of English Country and vintage-traditional cottage decor. Pheasant feathers also look great year round in masculine and English or French Provencal vignettes.


Hand made harvest sign by Pine.And.Birch Beautiful styled tray for Thanksgiving vintage Pheasant

A vintage pheasant cast iron door stop used as part of a harvest centerpiece is just an example of using an old item in a creative, new way.


Beautiful styled tray for Thanksgiving vintage Pheasant and harvest



Using pheasants as Thanksgiving Decor


The colors of the door stop were part of the inspiration for my Junk-N-Pumpkins Dough Bowl Display of 2017.


Gorgeous vintage pheasant Thanksgiving Christmas Tablescape

My husband scored a pair of the most beautiful vintage pheasants several years ago at an estate sale. As soon as he spotted them he knew I would love them, and he was right!


Gorgeous vintage Pheasant Thanksgiving tablescape

The darker, more traditional colors make them perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas too.


Beautiful Vintage Pheasant Thanksgiving Tablescape



Gorgeous vintage Pheasant in a shabby chic dining room farmhouse Thanksgiving tablescape




Vintage Turkey Planters


Beautiful Vintage Turkey planter shabby chic farmhouse dining room decorated for fall and Thanksgiving pheasant feathers

Many of my fall feathered friends are turkeys…turkey planters, that is! I enjoy finding diffierent ways to fill them for Thanksgiving. Fresh flowers and herbs have become my favorite fillers for Thanksgiving Day.



vintage turkey planter with fresh flowers

Last year I used some of the fresh herbs and the last of my flowers from my garden to fill this colorful vintage turkey planter in the breakfast nook.




The pretty French Turkey Pillow on the window seat bench was an Amazon find. Love it!


French Turkey Pillow Cover

Wesbin Modern Vintage Fall Wild Turkey Beauty e Throw Pillow Cover



Additional Fall Feathered Friends ( a.k.a. more vintage turkey planters!)



In addition to fresh flowers I have filled the turkey planters with faux flowers, dried botanicals, pheasant and turkey feathers, tarnished vintage silverware and gold flatware or even nuts. Sometime I even leave them empty for a less cluttered look in vignettes.


Thanksgiving decor vintage turkey planter


Vintage-Traditional Thanksgiving Dining Room Tour 2019




Vintage Turkey Planter With Tarnished Silverplate







I am loving this vintage turkey planter collecting vintage turkey planters




Vintage Turkey Planter with nuts Thanksgiving decorating ideas





Beautiful vintage Thanksgiving vignette with vintage turkey plate and turkey planter with fresh bouquet



Turkey Dishes


Vintage turkey salad plate shabby chic Thanksgiving vintage Thanksgiving turkey planter elegant Thanksgiving ideas

I can never pass up vintage turkey dishes on my junkin’ or thrifting adventures. Last year I scored a trio of these beautiful turkey saucers. The softer, non-traditional fall color scheme of green, pink and blue make them so unique.



I purchased a set of  gorgeous brown transferware turkey plates (“Queen’s Majestic Beauty” from Tuesday Morning a few years ago. They immediately became the dishes I knew I would be using every Thanksgiving for years to come. 


Everything about these plates just speak “Thanksgiving” to me! I can’t wait to bring them out next week and start working on my Thanksgiving tablescape with elements that will transition to Christmas.



Thanksgiving Tablescape by Candlelight 2019



Vintage Thanksgiving Tablescape

Autumn Elegance Thanksgiving Tablescape 2018



Autumn Elegance Thanksgiving Tablescape Queen's Majestic Turkey Dishes French Country Thanksgiving Tablescape

Different chargers and placemats seem to bring out various colors in the fall foliage on the plates which means new looks can be created year after year even when using the same dishes.




I also have a set of 4 Johnson Brothers “His Majesty” dessert plates and teacups that I like to bring out to enjoy in November,



Unique Thanksgiving Centerpiece using vintage elements Pomegranates antlers




Thanksgiving Tablescape Johnson Brothers His Majesty Tea Cup Vintage Thanksgiving

It’s always fun to enjoy tea  and dessert with fall feathered friends (and real friends too!)




Turkey Whimsy

How to decorate for Thanksgiving using Rae Dunn Thanksgiving mugs

In addition to the elegant fall vignettes and tablescapes that can be created with traditional turkeys and  pheasants, I always like to  add a little whimsy here and there in November with my Tom turkeys and other fall feathered friends.


Adorable shelf styling farmhouse kitchen Rae Dunn


Simple and inexpensive Thanksgiving decorating

This pair of salt and pepper shaker turkeys is hiding up high, away from the cook!


Vintage Thanksgiving postcard and turkey salt shaker whimsical holiday vignette

The vintage turkey postcard proclamation states that all turkeys will be pardoned for Thanksgiving. The little turkey figurine “wishes” that were true!




A turkey hunting decoy found at a yard sale for just $5 serves as a whimsical Thanksgiving lawn ornament on Thanksgiving Day.


Pilgrims and Feathered Fall Friends


Last year I shared these farmhousey-pilgrims holding a feathered friend (or dinner?!) as part of styled basket tray in the corner of the kitchen.




Thanksgiving decor fall home tour

A New Kitchen in Time for Thanksgiving Tour


Primitive pilgrims Thanksgiving decor farmhouse Thankgiving Farmhouse sign

Junkin’ Finds: A Pair of Prim Pilgrims

A few years ago I created a primitive Thanksgiving centerpiece with a pair of thrifted pilgrim primitive “shelf-sitters” in a doughbowl with faux pheasant feathers. This picture was from 2018 when it snowed for Thanksgiving Day. It is giving me all the old-fashioned Thanksgiving feels!


Old Fall Feathered Friends

This colorful Turkey Tureen was purchased way back when my husband and I were dating. It has made it’s way through  eight house moves and twenty Thanksgivings, so it just isn’t Thanksgiving Day without having it out on display!




This little turkey snowglobe was a treasure my son picked out from Hobby Lobby when he was a toddler. Every year I put it on the table near his plate for Thanksgiving dinner.


Vintage Gurney turkey candles in the antique china cabinet remind me of the beautiful tables my momma would set when I was growing up, while a couple of hand painted wooden Mallard ducks in the corner china cabinet bring back wonderful Thanksgiving memories of my late step-father.


I am sure there are turkeys, pheasants,  ducks, or other fall feathered friends that evoke nostalgic Thanksgiving  and fall memories for you too!



Decorate for fall and Thanksgiving with pheasants, turkeys, quail and other fall feathered Friends

I hope this post has given you some ideas for decorating with fall feathered friends, some of which could fly right on into the winter holidays! For more inspiring late fall and Thanksgiving ideas, head over to see how Debra celebrates the season with feathered friends. Don’t forget you can check out all the other creative ideas on today’s hop via the link up below. 

Thanks for visiting today. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!



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  • Reply Calypso in the Country

    Wow, Amber – your home looks so welcoming and ready for Thanksgiving! So much to love with all your beautiful vignettes and the vibrant fall colors. Thanks so much for hosting this festive feathered blog hop!

    November 9, 2021 at 7:46 am
  • Reply Laura Ingalls Gunn

    Amber your collections fill my decor loving heart with such joy. I adore the pheasants. But the hunting decoy made me smile BIG. Thank you so much for organizing the hop!

    November 9, 2021 at 8:40 am
  • Reply Debra Oliver

    ohmygosh, where to start? I think we have some of the very same turkeys running around the house. Beautiful vignettes and displays Amber. I’ve pinned this for more inspiration. That huge turkey tureen in just fabulous. That old doorstep? wow! Thanks so much for putting the Hop together. Happy week, friend!

    November 9, 2021 at 11:11 am
  • Reply Marty

    You really do have the most amazing collections and I love how you create such beautiful vignettes. Great post full of tons of inspiration.

    November 9, 2021 at 12:16 pm
  • Reply Cindy

    Wow Amber such wonderful collections. I have longed to find pheasants. I haven’t found any I love thrifting.

    Plus some in the marketplace can be expensive.

    Love the turkey you add to the yard too.

    Inspiring as always

    November 9, 2021 at 8:47 pm
  • Reply Shelia

    Oh, my goodness! Can I just come over and live at your house for just a couple of days? You have some lovely Fall birds and have used them so beautifully. Love seeing your vintage birds and dishes and platters. I just adore your taste. Hope your week is going well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

    November 10, 2021 at 11:29 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you so much! Happy Thanksgiving!

      November 15, 2021 at 4:35 pm
  • Reply Cindy@CountyRoad407

    Oh my goodness, both sets of pilgrims stole my heart and it was a toss up because at first, I thought nothing was going to beat that door stop! Everything is beautiful and I love that even though you are doing a less is more situation, it’s full of warmth and the meaning of Thanksgiving. Wish I could have joined in. Pinned

    November 10, 2021 at 11:34 am
  • Reply Barbara Chapman

    Such a lovely post, Amber… You have a beautiful collection of pheasants and turkeys!! I have a little quail which I found several years ago at a local thrift shop; it is a small treasure. But, my favorites are the little pinecone turkeys my children made when they were very small… <3

    Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving,
    Barb 🙂

    November 12, 2021 at 10:26 pm
  • Reply Linda Johnston

    You have an anazing collection. Beautiful vingettes and table!

    November 13, 2021 at 8:28 am
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