Running a blog can be a very exciting, but if you are looking to blog for income it can also be a bit stressful at times. You’re a content creator working had to keep loyal readers and to attract new blog subscribers. Working as an influencer and writing posts for brand collaborations are other important aspects of blogging.
Working to make sure you have a blog following should be a priority. While there is nothing wrong with leveraging the power of Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram in your favor and working hard on those platforms, it might cause you problems at some point. If you rely on one channel to supply you with most of your views, and then that channel goes down, alters its algorithm or worse still, stops altogether, what will you do? You cannot control these channels and how they operate, but you can control where you choose to build up your traffic from. Aim to get a mixture from several social media channels and ensure that you are doing all that you can around search engine optimization. If this you need more advice, then contact experts such as Ignite Digital on board to help.
With all this in mind, it’s very crucial to post content on a regular basis. It can actually be physically and mentally exhausting, and sometimes you can run out of ideas!
If you are just starting out it’s important to get organized and to make sure everything you do is legal and legitimate.
In effort to make your blog a little more legitimate when you’re first starting out, there’s some things you need to keep in mind. The online world has a lot of niches to it, as well as rules and regulations… Make sure you know all about them to take your little corner of the internet onto success.
Choose A Great Blog Name
Whether you want to make it big in the blogging world, or if you simply just want the following of a hundred or so people, it’s important to stand out. First you need to choose a great blog name that packs a punch! You will also need to register the name at some point if you have business plans, and that means you’ve got to be original. Before settling on a name, do ample research to make sure there are no other blogs or business with the same name as that may cause a copyright infringement.
Keep Reader Details Safe
For every five people who come onto your homepage, who see all of your most recent posts and get reading, at least one of them is going to want to leave a comment. To do that they usually will need to leave their name and email address. Since they have interacted with you and given you a bit of validation and support, pay them the same respect by making sure their details are kept on a secure server!
If you want to add a retail section to your blog, you will definitely want to make sure your blog is legal. Jumio’s regulatory compliance solutions can help you out here, and you won’t be left in the dark with any sections of the necessary policies you need to follow. If you make money from your blog, you should also be aware of your tax obligations.
Get All Collaboration Details in Writing
If you do manage to get contacted by a brand who want you to test a product, make sure you get the agreement in writing, and keep a copy of it somewhere non-digital. When you do a post about the product, make sure you let readers know straight away you were sponsored or asked to make the review. It’s a simple addition, and can put you in very good standing with other brands on the lookout for building out a PR list. You can also be penalized by google for neglecting to disclose sponsored posts. This will hurt your blog rankings which in turn can keep slow traffic to your blog.
Blogging can be fun and intrinsically rewarding, with great potential for earning income too. To minimize stress, follow these simple tips for keeping your blog legal and legitimate. You can find a wealth of beginning blogging tips and resources on Pinterest as well.
Good luck!
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