Fabulous Fall Decorating, Garden Thyme

“A World of Octobers” Outdoor Fall Decorating Ideas

outdoor fall displays fall garden ideas fall pumpkins, mum, and pansies, vintage fall garden



 Happy October dear friends! I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers, aren’t you? Beautiful autumn weather is finally here in Kentucky, and that means it’s time to enjoy a little outdoor fall decorating!



I just recently started adding a few fall touches to my garden and patio, just in time to share a few photos for “A World of Octobers” Mini Blog Hop hosted by my vintage-loving friend Cecilia of My Thrift Store Addiction. If you are coming over from Calypso in the Country or if you just happened to stop by for a visit, I am so happy to have you here!



As much as I love cozy indoor fall decorating, it’s really the outdoor fall decorating that I enjoy the most. Right now we are in the middle of finishing up our kitchen renovation (which means there are still power tools and messes all over the place) and I just returned to in-person/virtual hybrid teaching this week, so I haven’t had a chance to “go all out” with my outdoor fall decorating. Nevertheless I am loving the little outdoor fall garden”vignettes” that I have been working on so far.



This fall I have a new stone path and backyard cottage garden to enjoy for my favorite season! I hope to be able to line the stone path with pumpkins some time this month. It leads around to my Vintage Sink Potting Bench and I would love to play around with styling up the potting bench for fall too. This weekened however I just had enough time to put together a cool-toned fall garden display at the start of the path and along the side of our driveway.


I decided to use a large vintage galvanized bucket as a focal point. All the plants that were previously in the bucket had “kicked the bucket” as of mid-August. I went ahead and pulled them all out a few weeks ago in preparation for a fall mixed container planting. The cool color scheme I ended up putting together was inspired by the butterfly bush just behind the bucket, which is still full of lovely fuchsia blooms.




I am still having daily visitors for fall too!




The mums, autumn sedum, trailing succlents and magenta pansies just match the butterfly bush blooms so beautifully!  I love the addition of the purple pansies, but the almost-black ones are my favorites! The lime green sedum is an interesting color among all the cool toned plants too. Autumn kale is my favorite fall plant, especially this variety with the purple center.



What’s an outdoor fall display without pumpkins? Although I will use traditional orange pumpkins elsewhere in my outdoor fall decorating, this perfect pair of French heirloom pumpkins (Musque de Provence and green Jarradhale) along with a few small gourds fit in beautifully with the overall design.


I just can’t get enough of all of these wonderful textures and colors!



A couple of years ago I used a similar color scheme and plant combo on my fall back porch and patio. Loved it!

























I haven’t dragged out my vintage teal bicycle to use in my fall displays this year, but my teal vintage Radio Cart wheel barrow filled with fall bounty adds a touch of rusty-crusty vintage fall goodness by the garden path. The butternut squash are from my garden. Fun fact…all summer I thought they were zucchini until they started producing fruit!



Of course I had to incorporate some vintage garden treasures and junkin’ finds into this display too! The vintage galvanized watering can would look pretty with mums or pansies planted inside, but I do use it for it’s intended purpose so I chose to keep it empty. The chippy blue concrete landscaping remant and local Ashland brick were salvaged from my neighbor’s hillside when he gave us all of the free stones for our cottage garden path. 






I also love this sweet monochromatic combo of white pansies and mums in a pretty white urn. It sits just above and to the right of the main display.



Not too far away are two black urns with dark pink mums flanking each side of the garage.






I am so happy with this display! I can enjoy it from my kitchen window seat while sipping my morning coffee or tea.







Another larger Musquee De Provence (my favorite!) is the centerpiece on our patio table along a few gourds and a colorful vintage pheasant that I just scored while out junkin’ this weekend. 



Fall Decorting with pumpkins and gourds fall decorating ideas

Fall Fun at Hatcher’s Greenhouse

I found several of my pretty pumpkins and gourds on Friday at Hatcher’s Greenhouse. If you love heirloom pumpkins, gardening, and creative fall displays, then this post is a must-read!



I am not sure where the pheasant and all my little gourds will end up indoors or out, but I have been having fun playing around with them in different outdoor vignettes on the patio. I love how the blue and yellow pheasant “feathers” match this old Kentucky metal lard bucket filled with yellow pansies. 




Vintage Kentucky lard bucket Bluegrass brand lard bucket yellow and blue lard bucket with white mums

Vintage Kentucky Lard Bucket with Pretty Fall Mums

Last year I filled it with white mums and I loved that look too.





This vintage Bliss coffee tin is a  thrifted find from just a few weeks ago. I knew it would be perfect for October filled with fall flowers!



Mixing vintage found objects into my fall displays is always so much fun! The rustier, the better, when it comes to outdoor fall decorating.


Creative Fall Decorating with Baskets

I really am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers! The month is just getting started, so there’s still plenty of outdoor fall decorating and fall junkin’ adventures ahead. I hope to get finally get started on my front porch fall decorating this week! 


Fall Porch Tours How To Add All The fall Feels to your porch

All The Fall Feels Fall Porch Tours

I will be decorating it very similarly to my 2018 porch which was just featured in Country Sampler Magazine’s online newsletter!  



The porch was decorated with quintessential fall elements that really gave me “all the fall feels,” and I can’t wait to recreate a similar vibe this year.










Fall Porch and Garden Ideas

To see more of my outdoor fall decor from previous years, check out my Fall Garden Diplays post and My French Country Inspired Heriloom Pumpkins Display post for tons of ideas.



French Country Heirloom Pumpkins Display




outdoor fall displays fall garden ideas fall pumpkins, mum, and pansies, vintage fall garden



I hope you enjoyed my cool-toned outdoor fall garden display and a few other inspiration photos from autumns past! 


Don’t forget to visit the rest of the talented bloggers on the hop for more beautiful outdoor fall decorating ideas:
Thanks for visiting today!
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  • Reply Cecilia

    Your October garden is beautiful Amber, and so many pretty posts from past seasons! Thanks for joining us for the World of Octobers hop. Pinned and sharing on IG! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

    October 5, 2020 at 8:38 am
  • Reply CoCo

    You always know just the right way to put color and texture combinations together, Amber, this is all stunning. I love seeing the way you use pumpkins and how you layer in vintage goodies amongst all your plants and flowers too. It’s just gorgeous! Hugs and happy fall, CoCo

    October 5, 2020 at 11:16 am
  • Reply Calypso in the Country

    Wow Amber, your outdoor fall ideas are so inspiring! I love the colors you went with this year and the way you styled all your vignettes. It’s all so beautiful! Great to hop with you again!

    October 5, 2020 at 11:24 am
  • Reply Lora Bloomquist

    Vintage finds look even more beautiful with Fall foliage all around! I always swoon over your aqua radio cart. I’ve got to get mine and my black and white bike out and pop another vignette in front of my porch, so I can enjoy it out my kitchen window. So excited for you for your newly remodeled kitchen!

    October 5, 2020 at 3:16 pm
  • Reply Rita C at Panoply

    Amber, I love the cool colors you’ve chosen for your outdoor fall vignette. Your latest finds on the table are also great finds. The pheasant looks terrific with the blue grass lard can. I know you’re super busy, so it’s a wild wonder for me to even see you on this hop, but I’m sure glad you joined. It’s great keeping company with you. Stay well, and Happy Fall.

    October 5, 2020 at 7:14 pm
  • Reply maryjo materazo

    Wow this totally made me happy! Such great Fall inspiration. I love the vintage mixed in with all the great Fall organics. Thanks for the inspo.

    October 6, 2020 at 2:15 pm
  • Reply Kelly Radcliff

    Amber I always leave your blog so inspired! Your Fall garden is beautiful and I am loving the bright colors this fall as well! I pinned this and hope to plant my own simplistic look soon in our backyard. Thanks for the inspiration! Hugs!

    October 6, 2020 at 9:38 pm
  • Reply Cecilia

    Amber, Thanks for sharing your beautiful fall garden at Vintage Charm!

    October 10, 2020 at 9:27 pm
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