Hello and welcome back for another post in my Home Improvement and DIY Series. The events of the last year have many of us thinking about being more prepared for emergencies in the year ahead. Stocking up on food (and toilet paper!) are good ideas but it may be necessary in the future to make our homes even more sustainable. My family has been considering installing solar panels as an alternative power source.
3 Ways an Average Household Can Benefit from Solar Panels
Rooftop solar panels have enjoyed a significant rise in popularity across the USA and particularly in Texas who ranked fifth in the USA for solar power generation. While solar panel installations used to be considered a luxury commodity due to the hefty price tag they carried, they have decreased substantially in cost. In fact, since 2008, the price of solar panels has decreased by as much as 80%, making them a viable alternative-energy solution for mid-income homes. Apart from solar panel installations becoming increasingly budget-friendly, there are also a number of long-term advantages that can be enjoyed by regular homes becoming solar-powered.
Enjoy a reduced energy bill
Even if the upfront costs associated with solar panel installations are still considered a big investment (despite the significantly reduced costs), you can look forward to long-term savings as a result of a reduced energy bill. It is estimated that a typical American family spends in the region of $1,450 on electricity alone every year. By installing home solar panels, the same average home can expect to enjoy savings of between $10,000 and $30,000 over the lifespan of the solar panel system.
Solar Panel Incentives
Homeowners in most states have access to a range special policies and rebate programs that will allow them to save big on solar panel installations. Texas is not only home to some of the best sunshine and lowest solar costs in the country, but the best solar incentives as well. By installing home solar panels in Texas, a homeowner can enjoy a range of immediate and long-term benefits. If you reside in Austin, for example, you qualify for a rebate of $2,500. Austin Energy’s Value of Solar tariff will also pay you $0.097 per kilowatt-hour generated by your solar panels. Additionally, CPS Energy customer also qualifies for a $2,500 rebate energy-generation incentive.
Better for the Environment
Apart from saving on your energy bill and receiving a rebate, installing solar panels can also be of great benefit to the environment. Unlike traditional energy sources, solar energy does not produce greenhouse gases nor does it contribute to environmental pollution. As far as maintenance is concerned, your average residential solar system requires minimal amounts of water. Solar panel-generated energy does not generate any noise pollution either, making it a suitable alternative energy source for residential areas. In recent years solar energy systems have decreased in price considerably. This has made it a viable alternative-energy solution for middle-income houses across the country.
Now that you have a solar panel, how can you further save on those energy bills? Including a solar battery with your solar panel can provide striking savings as a package. Solar panels alone help cut the cost of the electric bill by creating your own energy from the natural sunlight. Now with a solar battery, more money will shed off your energy bill. This is possible by the battery saving the energy that is not used during the day.
Of course solar energy is just one of the ways to make your home more eco-friendly and sustainable. Have you considered added solar panels to your home or are finding other way to be more self-sustainable in the year ahead? I love hearing from you, dear readers!
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