Junkin' Finds

Super September Junkin’ Finds

Super September Junkin Finds at awesome yard sale junk!


Happy October! I can’t believe how fast September flew by and it’s already time to share my monthly junkin’ finds! I finished up the month yesterday with a pretty good loot haul too. Here’s my Super September junk round up!

I am going to start backwards with yesterday’s treasures. My favorite find of the day was this beautiful painting…just in time for Hauntingly Beautiful Decor Halloween Link Party! I only paid a quarter for it.

vintage painting pretty creepy antique painting yard sale find found objects found decor

She is so hauntingly beautiful with that ghostly stare. I can’t wait to use her in a Halloween vignette!

shabby chic yellow round table distressed furniture yard sale treasures

I also scored this pretty-shabby yellow table for only $8.00! I have nowhere to put it at this point, but I wasn’t passing on it at that price. I am thinking about stripping it and doing a cerused look, but I might just shabby it up with another coat of yellow chalk paint and wax. We shall see!

Vintage Junk haul junkin' finds antiques and thrifted treasures

I loved these two ironstone platters ($1 each). The one with the blue rim is especially pretty! I really liked the crystal platter too. I think it will be fun for creating icy winter vignettes.

The large pitcher is actually ceramic but it has the look of ironstone and at .50 I just had to have it! I also scored the little brass easel for .50. People, this is why I say save up all your quarters for junkin’ adventures! Pocket change goes a long way when it comes to filling your home with treasures!

collection of thrifted vintage dishes ironstone platters black toile transferware vintage junkin finds junk finds

Three black and white toile transferware saucers for $1.00? Yes please! How perfect for Halloween vignettes simply styled with some orange mini-pumpkins!

gorgeous antique lamp 1920's lamp thrift junk finds found decor

How many of you junkers have gotten home from a sale and had the “What was I thinking not buying that????” moment? Wait… I already know the answer! We all have done that! Yesterday was one of those days. I saw this lamp early in the morning and didn’t really have any ideas of where to use it so I didn’t buy it at $15.00. I really didn’t even take a good look at it. Well, yesterday I did some major redecorating to the area by my staircase and realized the lamp would be perfect on the shabby dresser I had added to the space. It was 2:00 and I figured the sale would be over or it would be long gone, but I took a chance and drove back across town. Turns out that the lamp is from the 1920’s which is perfect for our home (built in 1921), and after bargaining down to $8.00, a real steal. I am going to invest in having it rewired someday but for now it looks beautiful as a decorative piece. I will share this lamp styled in my new space in my upcoming Halloween home tour!

antique Patsy doll

I figure the reason I wasn’t thinking clearly the first time I saw the lamp is that I spotted this antique Patsy doll for $3.00 sitting beside it and she was a pretty big distraction! Oh I have great plans for giving this little darling a new look with some TLC!

antique water color painting water scene sailboats nautical painting vintage frames vintage decor found decor

We hit a couple of  “dud” sales yesterday all the way on the other side of town, but it only takes one good find to make it worth the time and gas money. This beautiful old water color for .50 was certainly worth it! I spotted the antique frame in a box and thought it was empty, but I was delighted to find such a pretty painting too. Two more quarters well spent! Actually at this point I was down to scraping 4 dimes and two nickels out of the bottom of my purse but it all spends the same!

beautiful antique nautical painting

Moving backward to a couple of weeks ago, I had the awesome opportunity to junk at the Country Living Fair in Columbus. I can’t wait to share all about my adventure and my interview with Editor-In-Chief of Country Living Magazine, Rachel Barrett! This 1890’s platter was like the holy grail shining forth and calling to me in an overwhelming sea of treasures at the fair. Of all the awesome things I could have bought that day, I chose to spend nearly my whole junkin’ budget of $50.00 on this beauty. I ended up getting it for $30! Turns out that it is a pretty rare piece and I will be sharing all about it in an upcoming post.

Gorgeous Ironstone Transferware Platter 1890's Country Living Fair 2017


Beautiful Brown and white Transferware tea cup and and saucer under cloche fall cloche ideas mini pumpkin in a tea cup

If the price is right I never pass up brown transferware, and at $2.00 for this old tea cup and two saucers, the price was right for sure! This was actually the first find of September and a pretty good indication that it was going to be a super September for junkin’ finds!

Vintage brass tureen and antique picture sacred picture religious picture vintage religious decor junkin finds

Last weekend it was all about the brass! How gorgeous is this brass urn for $1? I can’t wait to use this piece for the holidays. And the sweet picture of our Lord Jesus tending to a little lamb (that’s me, I always need his gentle leading!) for .25 is definitely a super September junkin’ find! It is so very old! I will love using this picture at Christmas and Easter.

I also found each of these very old brass picture frames for .25 each. As a frame collector this was a mini-jackpot!

beautiful collection of thrifted antique picture frames

Gorgeous vintage silverplate tea put shabby chic tarnished silverplate

I very rarely pass up old tarnished silverplate pieces. I scored this tea pot for $1.00 but after getting it home I am not so sure it is cheap silverplate. It has some markings on the bottom and is extremely heavy. I am going to have to talk to Diana Adirondack Girl At Heart to see if she has any ideas. She is “in the know” about all kinds of vintage junk and antiques and her blog is definitely a must follow for vintage lovers!

yard sale treasures long door basket flower baskets shabby chic junkin finds

The long door basket is screaming for dried lavender, roses or hygrangeas, as is the pretty yellow metal one. Both of them look so pretty against the yellow bricks so I might use them out on the porch.

vintage antique crock number 5 crock blue number 5 crock with red handles farmhouse decor

Last weekend I was just in the right place at the right time. As I was leaving the consignment shop this antique crock was just being dropped off. It was my “big ticket’ find of the month at $40. I actually left the shop, got about a mile down the road and started thinking about the price of crocks in excellent condition…and the fact that this one had no cracks and two RED intact wooden handles. I imagined placing a small, live unadorned douglas fir tree in it for winter…and then it happened…the proverbial…

What was I thinking!!??!!!” I made a quick turn around at the stop light, hyperventilating at the thought of the car loads of people who were just coming into the shop as I left! But, as you can see, all’s well that ends well! And, I had a frequent buyer 10% off coupon which made it $36.00… So no regrets here!

Beautiful farmhouse dining room decorated for fall with thrifted treasures vintage picture of hunting dogs antique crock decorated for fall

I had just decorated this beautiful crock for fall (last summer junkin’ find) and had been thinking it would be nice to have another skinnier one too, so once again my junkin’ luck kicked in! This old picture of hunting dogs was what I had just purchased at the consignment shop for $6.00 when I spotted the skinny crock. I love any kind of English style vintage pictures or old dog paintings. My 12 year old loves vintage too, so we are going to try to find a spot in his room for it. Since it has such pretty fall colors it is on display in the dining room for the season.

Pictures of dogs and statues of cats live together in harmony in our home! I adopted this “Shabby Tabby” the first week of September. My aunt had a fake cat just like this when I was little and I loved playing with it so I had to have one of my own! My family calls her “Creepy Tabby” but I think she is adorable!

Cute rad dunn cat bowl shabby chic cat

I shared in my Harvest Home Fall Home Tour how I really just wanted an excuse to style my Rae Dunn cat dish, and now I have one!

I was definitely on an animal kick this month, and my picture of Secretariat, the triple crown winning race horse is perfect for our old Kentucky home and takes the prize the Super September junkin’ find of the month!

gorgeous vintage vignette secretariat horse picture plaid blanket trophies and velvet pumpkins fall Kentucky printers trays

Vintage horse picture fall decorating ideas velvet pumpkins secretariat junk finds thrift treasures

No horsin’ around…junkin’ is my favorite hobby and I love adding vintage style to my home using pocket change! I am looking forward to seeing what treasures October holds. I will be attending Vintage Market Days in Columbus,Ohio in two weeks so I am sure to have some great finds to share! Because I will be blogging about the event, I have received two free tickets to giveaway! You can enter here by leaving a comment below that you would like to win, or enter on my facebook or Instagram feed!

Cool junk finds junk haul round up found treasures

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my “Super September Junkin’ Finds!” Come back at the end of the month for another junk haul round up! Don’t forget you can share all of your awesome Halloween junk all through October in the Hauntingly Beautiful Decor Halloween Link Party ! 

Hauntingly Beautiful Decor Halloween Link Party October 2-31

Thanks for visiting today!



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  • Reply Karen

    Love your finds…especially the big platter. It’s a stunner. I’m wondering if your “silverplate” teaput might be pewter. 🙂

    October 2, 2017 at 6:55 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      That is possible! I am going to share some pic in the Your Vintage Headquarters facebook page. Thanks for stopping by today!

      October 2, 2017 at 7:07 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      That’s a possibility! Thanks for stopping by!

      October 3, 2017 at 5:05 pm
  • Reply Diana Petrillo

    You are such a sweetheart, Amber–thank for the super generous shout out 🙂 Send over a photo of the marks on the bottom of the teapot and I’ll see if I can help (or post it in the “Your Vintage Headquarters” Facebook group). You made some spectacular finds this month; my faves: the little yellow table, the fabulous lamp, that watercolor painting (!!!!!), your Country Living platter (of course), and that crock with the red handles (!!!!!). I’m only a little jealous…

    October 2, 2017 at 6:57 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Ah…jealousy…the best kind of compliment!!!(heehee) I will definitely share the markings in Your Vintage Headquarters. Thanks so much for stopping by friend! Oh and if you have any old Halloween junk I would love for you to link up at the Hauntingly Beautiful Decor Halloween Link Party too!

      October 2, 2017 at 7:06 pm
  • Reply Rita C at Panoply

    Great stuff, Amber. My faves….the water color, yellow table, Secretariat. I love the hunt!!

    October 2, 2017 at 11:12 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you Rita! I thought I had already replied so sorry if duplicate comment! Anyway, I know you understand the thrill of the hunt. I can’t wait to visit your booth!

      October 3, 2017 at 1:35 am
  • Reply Fonda Rush

    I would love to win the tickets to the Vintage Market Days for my daughter and her husband. They live just outside of Columbus, and they would love to attend this event. They are always on the hunt for goodies for their house. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    October 4, 2017 at 5:02 am
  • Reply Cecilia

    I never pass on brown transferware either and that teapot is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm–pinned!

    October 8, 2017 at 5:16 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you Cecilia! I love your party! I will have to check out your pin board too!

      October 8, 2017 at 3:30 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you Cecilia! I love your party!

      October 8, 2017 at 3:30 pm
  • Reply Pamela Smith

    I love all your finds! I just picked up 2 little crocks, with lids! Can’t pass up those treasures!

    October 8, 2017 at 10:22 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Oh you are lucky! I never find the lids! I just scored another loot haul of neat stuff this weekend which I will be posting about at the end of October for my monthly junkin’ round up, but I shared three fun videos of my treasures on my fb page if you want to take a look! Thanks for visiting and please come back and visit anytime!

      October 9, 2017 at 3:34 am

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