Home Tours, Summer

Simple and Sunny Summer Kitchen Refresh

Summer is here and it’s time for a simple and sunny summer kitchen refresh!


Today I am excited to share my Simple and Sunny Summer Kitchen Refresh as part of the annual Summer Home Tours hosted by my friend Marty of a Stroll Thru Life!


Today wraps up a week of thirty amazing summer home tours that are full of stunning summer ideas and inspiration. You will find the links to each of the tours at the end of this post. If you are coming over from This is Our Bliss  or if you are just stopping by for a visit, I am so happy to invite you in to my simple, sunny summer kitchen!


But first, the garden!

Here is where I have been starting each and every summer morning since school let out, in the backyard inspecting my newly revamped herbaceous border island bed. The heirloom annabelle hydrangeas always come into bloom right in time for the Summer Home Tours!



 I definitely live a garden-inspired life, bringing the outdoors in with garden-themed decor and flowers. Here in the side entry, I am using a simple lavender wreath for the summer months.




Green painted door with lavender wreath farmhouse summer wreath ideas

I am still getting used to photographing this side-entry since we gave it a makeover last fall. There are many strange angles and it’s hard to really show how pretty it is and to help readers get a true sense of the space. In this photo taken at the top of the basement stairs, you can see how you come in the side (back) door and go up a flight up three stairs which leads to the kitchen on the left  (sharing today) and living room on the right (upcoming summer tour.)


Before heading into the kitchen, I wanted to quickly share the vintage cottage-garden inspired styling of the narrow built-in cabinet and shelf on the right as you come up the side entryway stairs.


I just snapped a couple of photos with my phone, but I will share better photos taken with my blogging camera in an upcoming summer tour.


Sunny Summer “Island Dreams” come true…

Sunny Summer Kitchen with Brick floors kitchen lemon decor cottage kitchen ideasAs we head into the kitchen the first change you might notice from last summer is my new island! My husband finished it in time for the holidays, but I didn’t do a full Christmas or spring kitchen tour this year, so this is the first time sharing the island in a post.



I designed the island in the style of an old European work table. We needed something long and narrow for the space, rather than a wider traditional island. I also wanted the ends to be open and open  space underneath to allow as many views of the pretty brick floor as possible.


I normally keep quartz top  (love it!) clutter free since we use the island off and on all day every day, but to refresh the kichen for early summer I am using just a few fresh and bright accessories. They are all are “easy-squeezy” to move out of the way when needed. 



A bowl of lemons is one of the simplest ways to brighten up any table, and of course lemons are quintessential in cottage summer kitchen decor too.  In this case, I have put my signature “twist” on the look using a vintage thrifted green glass pedestal dish.


I don’t think there has been a summer in recent years that I haven’t decorated with lemons in one way or another. A few years ago I used a small whitewashed dough bowl with lemons on the farm table in the dining room.




After a hectic school year that seem to never have ended, I am craving simplicity and “less is more” indoors, especially since I am spending so much time garden these days. On the 1920’s style built-in, a candle in a cloche with a mossy grapevine wreath looks simple and elegant for the season, while a very realisitic-faux pothos plant in a favorite cast iron urn brightens up the corner.


I keep the battery-operated flicker candle in the cloche on all day and throughout the evenings. I love the calming and welcoming effect no matter what time of day or season.


Yes, I am a crazy plant lady and I do have a very green thumb. However, I have an allergy to soil molds so sadly I can’t keep indoor house plants. Instead, I spend a little extra on realistic faux plants that will last and last without watering! As an added bonus, no pesky gnats! 



Sunny Kitchen window nook hydrangeas in italian pottery vase

In the opposite corner window nook a beautiful vase of freshly cut Annabelle hydrangeas adorns the bistro table with simple summer style.



Lightweight green velvet, pillows , black ticking stripes and my favorite French pillow are used on the benches for most of the year. All that was needed to change up the look for this simple sunny summer kitchen refresh was a DIY no-sew accent pillow made with the same fabric I used for my French Lemons Tablescape placemats.





Last year I gave the kitchen corner nook a Summer Refresh with a vintage “French Citrus Twist” using oranges and limes mixed in with my beloved summer lemons. 


The oranges theme was inspired by this gorgeous pillow and the orange tiger lilies growing like crazy this time of year.


Green is my favorite color, so whatever “theme” I am using each season, green is certainly my go-to. It’s a fun challenge to see how I can change things up but still keep green as a prominent color. It just so happens that the old-fashioned orange lilies always bloom right in sync with my Annabelles hydrangeas, so this free-to-me bouquet coordinated beautifully with the orange European tapestry pillow.




Here is the full view of the kitchen nook last summer. It was easier to photograph without the island, but I have no regrets adding the island whatsoever. 


It certainly makes cooking much easier, with the island close to the stove for prepping and serving food. *No worries: I always remove the vintage frame before cooking!


The kitchen feels complete now and it’s much more function. It’s also fun to decorate specially for blog tours and to use when entertaining family and friends.



Speaking of entertaining with family and friends, last year my son made some strawberry roses around the fourth of July and I shared them in a blog post. Cottages and Bungalows Magazine loved the post and featured a story all about our “Son-Sational” Stawberry Roses in their June-July issue!


You can pick up a copy to read the full five page spread or check out the original stawberry roses post here.



I hope you have enjoyed my Simple Sunny Summer Kitchen Refresh and a few peeks at my cottage garden-inspired mini-mudroom entryway. I will be sharing part two of this year’s summer home tour next Friday, so I hope you will stop back by for another visit. Now it’s time to continue with all the summer decor inspo “brimming with countrified charm”  over at County Road 407! Don’t forget to visit all the other stunning summer home tours via the links below. 


Thanks for visiting and have a happy summer ahead!




Monday – June 6th LineupA Stroll Thru LifeOur Southern HomeGrace In My Space

Hymns & VersesSouthern Hospitality Chalking Up Success


Tuesday – June 7th Lineup

Calypso in the Country StoneGable11 Magnolia Lane

White Arrows Home RemodelaCasa Pink Peppermint Design


Wednesday – June 8th Lineup

Designing VibesCuckoo4DesignWhispering Pines Homestead

Decor to AdoreThrifty and ChicClean and Scentsible


Thursday – June 9th Lineup

CitrineLivingSouthern Home and HospitalityWorthing Court

The Stonybrook House Southern State of MindThis is our Bliss


Friday – June 10th Lineup

Follow The Yellow Brick HomeCountry Road 407Quarters One

Shiplap and ShellsSimply2MomsPasha Is Home







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  • Reply Michelle | Thistle Key Lane

    Beautiful kitchen Amber and I can’t imagine a prettier work table! Congrats on the feature too!

    June 10, 2022 at 8:04 am
  • Reply Marty

    Wow, congratulations on the magazine article with your son. Your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous and I would spend every second there. I love all the amazing detail to your decor too. Can’t wait to see more of your pretty home next week. Thanks so much for joining the tour again this season, your home is always such a favorite.

    June 10, 2022 at 8:10 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thanks Marty! And also thank you for your patience and hard work organizing this tour. Happy summer!

      June 10, 2022 at 9:46 pm
  • Reply Julia@Cuckoo4Design

    I just love your kitchen so much! That brick floor gets me every time. And congratulations on the Cottages and Bungalows feature.

    June 10, 2022 at 8:22 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you so much Julia!

      June 10, 2022 at 9:46 pm
  • Reply debra@commonground

    LOVE that amazing island, Amber and all your citrusy summer decor. Just gorgeous. What a great article C&B and your strawberry roses and adorable son. Love it!!

    June 10, 2022 at 8:43 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thanks Debra! It sure has made cooking a lot easier. I had to carry things all the away across the kitchen to the longer stretch of coutnertop before. It really doesn’t take up much space but is so functional.

      Thanks for the comment about my boy too. He’s a keeper!

      June 10, 2022 at 9:48 pm
  • Reply Tamara

    Your bright and colorful touches for summer are perfection – the yellow and green is so beautiful. Congrats to your son on the magazine feature, that is amazing!

    June 10, 2022 at 11:13 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thanks so much Tamara! I love all of your blue and wanted to do blue this year, but the lemons and that green vintage dish just sparked the whole easy lemon theme. I may do some blue later this summer for Fourth of July or around the time for the beach. You have inspired me so much with all your blue decor. I definitely think it would work in my bright kitchen!

      June 10, 2022 at 9:49 pm
  • Reply Cindy@CountyRoad407

    Starting with the very first photo I was saying – oh my word, so beautiful! You’ve given me the desire to finally change up my summer decor. I’ve been so busy and the house is full of kids (and their messes) again that I’ve not felt like decorating or changing anything. Now I’m excited to get started. The new island is magnificent as well. Your hubs is so talented! And I love the idea of keeping that flickering candle on day and evening. I need to do that. I know it would change my “baditude”. Loved hopping with you. Miss that! Hope you have a great time off this summer and I loved that article with your son. He’s famous now! 🙂

    June 10, 2022 at 11:17 am
  • Reply Cristina

    Your kitchen is awesome and I think those yellow accents accentuate it even more! Congrats to you and your son on the magazine feature.

    June 10, 2022 at 11:29 am
  • Reply Stacey

    Your kitchen is so sweet! I love, love all the details….the floors, the beadboard, your vintage collections. It’s all beautiful.

    June 10, 2022 at 12:58 pm
  • Reply Kim | Shiplap and Shells

    First of all, congratulations on your Cottages and Bungalows feature with your son! Your kitchen is one of my very favorites and it’s always so fun to tour Amber. I absolutely love the new island and how it fits right in with the rest of the kitchen. You have so many beautiful details here. And you know I can’t get enough of that brick floor. Happy summer my friend!

    June 10, 2022 at 1:36 pm
  • Reply Laura Ingalls Gunn

    Amber your tour looks great! I adore the lemon theme. I LOVE that your son was featured. Bravo!

    June 11, 2022 at 9:53 pm
  • Reply Calypso in the Country

    I am loving all the green and yellow – so fresh and summery. And congrats on the Cottages and Bungalows feature! I have the magazine and meant to congratulate you and your son. Once again, thanks for inspiring us all with your lovely home!

    June 12, 2022 at 12:50 pm
  • Reply Cindy

    Your kitchen is beautiful and the new work table is gorgeous. Congratulations on the feature!

    June 12, 2022 at 9:06 pm
  • Reply Rachel

    You have SUCH a stunning kitchen, Amber!! I love those brick floors paired with all the white! Your copper is beautiful. What a lovely space to be in each day!

    June 13, 2022 at 7:10 pm
  • Reply Lori J Leeper

    What a beautiful garden inspired home! Your kitchen is lovely! The lemon yellow and green make it feel so airy and summery!

    June 14, 2022 at 1:38 pm
  • Reply Cindy@CountyRoad407

    Loved your beautiful sunny kitchen so much I’m featuring it tomorrow on Farmhouse Friday. Thank you for linking up. Hope you share another post with us soon. pinned

    June 16, 2022 at 3:55 pm
  • Reply Cindy@CountyRoad407

    Not sure if I told you already but I am featuring this on Farmhouse Friday tomorrow. I am still dreaming of that green and yellow kitchen! Thanks for linking up. pinned

    June 16, 2022 at 5:25 pm
  • Reply Lynne Zemaitis

    Amber, I love all of the fresh and colorful details in your beautiful summer kitchen! I am so excited to feature your post at this week’s Tuesday Turn About link party. Thank you so much for sharing!

    June 21, 2022 at 7:36 pm
  • Reply Katherines Corner

    How wonderful!!!! Congratulations to your son. Your kitchen looks lovely and I know I’ve told you before but your kitchen nook is so cute! The perfect spot to have some tea and watch the birds outside. co

    June 22, 2022 at 7:26 pm
  • Reply Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance

    My goodness, Amber, everything is SO beautiful! I’m featuring you this week at our TFT party. Happy TFT day!

    June 23, 2022 at 4:29 am
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