Christian Living, Junkin' Finds

Peace With God By Billy Graham

Collecting Vintage Books Spiritual Books Peace With God By Billy Graham

Last week the world lost a great light as Billy Graham went home to be with the Lord. It just so happens that the week before I had purchased my first Billy Graham book at a local consignment shop for only .99.

Peace With God Book by Billy Graham vintage spiritual books

Upon research I have found that this is one of Reverend Graham’s most popular books. My particular copy is from 1953 and it is still in excellent condition.

great spiritual books to add to your library Christian reading Billy Graham

Billy Graham book Peace With God 1953


I have been collecting vintage books for years, but I just recently started junkin’ specifically for vintage and antique spiritual books and hymnals to display on the beautiful antique church pew I found in January.


Last night my husband gave the pew a good cleaning and we finally moved it into the dining room from the garage where it has been sitting for a few weeks. Today I was thinking about how I would like to style the pew, with a grain stripe farmhouse cushion and maybe a wooden crate or wire basket full of vintage hymnals and spiritual books. Then I suddenly remembered the vintage Billy Graham book I found a couple of weeks ago. Since Rev. Graham just passed away this past week, I decided to share the book here in a small tribute post to the great American preacher.


“Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don't you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.” - Billy Graham 1918-2018



I have not yet had a chance to read the book, but today I spent some time flipping through and I can already tell it is a remarkable book with wisdom directed by the Holy Spirit.

“Our foolish pride is such that we can only recognize and take into account that which is apparent to our human eyes. But a struggle of infinitely greater magnitude is being waged in the world that we cannot see!”

Billy Graham Book page excerpt from Peace With God 1953



I found the last pages of the book to be such a testimony and so fitting for a man who dedicated his life to preaching the gospel. What faith to have written these words 65 years ago, and to have held on to the promise of eternal salvation until the blessed old age of 99 years!

“What a prospect! What A Future! What A Hope!”

Vintage Spiritual Books

“I know where I’ve come from, I know why I’m here, I know where I’m going—and I have peace in my heart.”

Those words should be the strong testimony of all followers of Jesus Christ!

Peace With God Book By Billy Graham Vintage Religious Books


Thank you Lord for sending Your word to us through your servant Billy Graham and for allowing us to hear your truth through such a powerful voice in our time.

Today we celebrate heaven's great reception of a mighty man of God—Billy Graham. We are confident he received the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." 1918-2018



As believers, we know that Billy Graham (1918-2018) has found true peace at last, and that we also have the same blessed assurance one day. We too, can always have true peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Do you have any vintage spiritual books or hymnals in your library? I would love to know what your favorites are too!


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  • Reply Rita C at Panoply

    Great post, Amber. Love the peek of the pew and your ideas for styling it. Billy Graham was born the same year as my father. Please email your address. I have something I want to mail you.

    February 28, 2018 at 2:23 am
  • Reply Debra@CommonGround

    Precious tribute to an amazing man of God. thankyou Amber. How wonderful that you found that book. Love the church pew, it’s beautiful, I can’t wait to see it styled in your dining room!

    February 28, 2018 at 4:23 am
  • Reply Krstin

    Beautiful post and tribute Amber! How special to have found that book. Your church pew is beautiful and your ideas for styling it sound perfect! I went back to the church I grew up in several years ago and asked if I could have some of the old hymnals. These are so special to me!

    February 28, 2018 at 3:00 pm
  • Reply Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces

    This is a beautiful tribute, Amber…thank you for sharing!

    February 28, 2018 at 5:43 pm
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