
A Holiday Grand Finale: Christmas Home Tour 2017

A stunning historic home decorated for Christmas with traditional and vintage style

Happy New Year! How are you spending the holiday? Our family is comfy and cozy enjoying a quiet night inside. Over the weekend we had a light snow that made for some very cold and slick conditions, so we are just happy to be safe and warm at home together. This evening I am wrapping up the holidays here on the blog by sharing a Christmas home tour “grand finale” for 2017!

Festive Christmas front porch

This year there were many “plaid tidings” and vintage Christmas goodies to explore in our 1921 yellow brick home! A very old and rare blow mold Santa standing on an antique, chippy pressed back chair greeted guests at the front door which gave a hint of what types of treasures awaited inside.

Christmas home tour 2017 front porch

Come on in out of the cold and take one last look at Christmas 2017 with me!

1920's Christmas Home Tour

Earlier this season I welcomed you in through the front door and straight into the music room which is to the left of the door. Our main tree and many of my most treasured Christmas collectibles are in the music room which you can see in my Holiday Music Room Tour. Last week I also shared my Cottage Kitchen Christmas Tour which was full of Christmas goodies too. There is no shortage of Christmas in the rest of the house either! I think you will see why I have titled this post A Holiday Grand Finale!  *I have added some affiliate links to some of my favorite things on the tour for your shopping convenience.

Gorgeous Living Room wooden beam ceiling Christmas decor

Just to the right of the entrance is our living room which has a very traditional feel with a lot of plaid textiles, German and primitive Santas, woodland deer, comfy Christmas pillows, and nods to colonial and Victorian Christmases past. The smells of pine, cinnamon and orange essential oils are always diffusing throughout the holidays to add to the authentic ambiance of the season.

Beautiful Christmas Home Tour vintage theater seats


Shabby chic buffet decorated for Christmas

A large vintage buffet in the center of the room is home to many old world style Santas during the holidays. My oldest son is an anthropologist and loves to study world cultures. The collection of “Santas Around The World” on top of the buffet belongs to him.

Heliig Meyers Santas Around The World

I made a Christmas card “wreath” using some of my favorite reproduction Victorian Christmas cards. The images are so lovely!

German Santas Primitive Christmas

I am crazy about German Belsnickle (traditional spelling: Belsnickel) Santas! I think they are so beautiful with their old European charm and a bit primitive too. If you are unfamiliar with these beautiful Santas, I introduced them in my Christmas Home Highlights 2016 post. Each year my collection grows because I buy one or two Belsnickles at after Christmas sales. It is always fun to open the Christmas totes and find a “new” Santa the following year.

Gorgeous Ragon House Santa and vintage deer

There are always a few vintage deer roaming around with the Santas among the woodland greenery too.

Ragon House Belsnickle SantasThe small Santa with the beautiful red cloak is my after Christmas purchase from this year.

Christmas home tour German Belsnickle Ragaon Ragon HouseThere are other Belsnickels  around the house which you will see as we continue the tour. If you would like to add a gorgeous Belsnickel to your Christmas decor you can find them here.

Now let’s move over into the cozy sitting area by the fireplace. I am excited to show you the vintage green cabinet I scored in November and some cool antique theater seats we found earlier in the fall!

Gorgeous traditional Christmas tour

We just moved these awesome vintage theater seats (U.S. Route 60 yard sale finds) into the living room for Christmas to make room for the Christmas dollhouse that I put on display for the holidays in the dining room. They have been so useful for extra seating I think they will be staying in this spot for a while.

Vintage theater seats decorated for Christmas

Just in front of the sofa is a round coffee table full of Christmas and winter woodland decor. There are a lot of treasures in this view from my comfy spot on the couch, especially my favorite Santa in a dark velvet green cloak and the “new” vintage green shabby cabinet I found in November at a yard sale. I am primarily a shabby chic blancophile (lover of white things) and you will see a bit of that style in the dining room, but green is my favorite color. It is fun to add more green around the house for the holidays!

Pretty collection of Christmas decor on a coffee table

Beautiful traditional and shabby chic farmhouse Christmas coffee table styling

I had absolutely no spot for the green cabinet when I bought it, and I am not sure where it will go after Christmas, but it fit perfectly in front of the fireplace for the holidays. This year I really wanted to incorporate a lot of plaid and traditional or colonial styles to the decor, so the cabinet gave me a little more space to play around with those ideas.

Beautiful vintage green cabinet decorated for Christmas

A beautiful traditional red tartan plaid blanket by Ralph Lauren cozies up a linen wing recliner, while a darker green and navy plaid blanket scarf doubles as a runner on the green cabinet top. I always use lots of plaid gift bags and wrapping paper each Christmas too.

pheasants as Christmas decor

You might have seen the amazing pheasants my husband scored at an estate sale the week before Thanksgiving in my Thanksgving tablescape post. Since pheasants are also traditionally Christmas, I kept them out for the season and used them on the mantel (even Frank Sinatra croons in Mistletoe and Holly…”tasty pheasants, Christmas presents, and folks stealing a kiss or two, as we whisper, ‘Merry Christmas, to you!'”) If you love pheasants be sure to go back after this tour and take a look at the Thanksgiving post here.Decorate a fireplace and mantel for Christmas with traditional plaid

For simplicity I  just added a beautiful tartan ribbon, (the prettiest tartan ribbon I have found!) pheasant feathers and vintage style bead garland to the greenery I use on the mantel every year. Grouped with the brass candleabra and colonial fruits centerpiece on the green table below, the fireplace came together as I had envisioned to create a very traditional Christmas look and feel. The addition of antlers is in keeping with the woodsy theme as well.

Add a plaid throw and Christmas pillow to a chair for easy Christmas decor

There are little touches of Christmas all around the room! Using plaids at Christmas is also a reference to our English and Scottish heritage.

adorable vintage scottish terrier figure with pipe

From the living room you can see straight into the dining room where the traditional and more Victorian style merge, mainly due to the large Victorian dollhouse that is on display each Christmas. The doll house is getting an interior makeover as a winter project, so there will be an upcoming post devoted entirely to this charming treasure. My dollhouse is vintage, but you can purchase the same model here if you would like to build your own. One is never to old to have a dream dollhouse!

Gorgeous Farmhouse Cottage Dining room decorated for Christmas victorian dollhouse farm table

This year I went with a dark green and wine/berry red color scheme in the dining room so I could still use my draperies. The pattern is very “fallish” but I was able to pull out the wine, green, and gold instead of the more autumnal hues in the fabric and it all came together. The addition of a simple magnolia leaf garland with it’s dark glossy green leaves draped along the curtain rod was perfect for tying in the greens throughout the home.


Primitive Victorian Santa Christmas decorations

My beloved standing Victorian/Belsnickle wood Santa also matches the curtains beautifully and instantly coordinated the decor when I moved him from the living room into the dining room. Originally I thought I was going to have to buy new neutral curtains to use for Christmas, but it is amazing what you can make work and pull together when you shop your house instead.

Beautiful vintage style Christmas tree large Santa

I wanted an “Olde World” style Christmas tree for the dining room, so I just took a $20 tree from Wal-Mart and gave it a makeover. Instead of fluffing the stems I actually twisted branches together to leave space in between the branches to make it look “skimpy.” This helped to show more of the ornaments, similar in style to the old German feather trees.

Beautiful collection of old world ornaments on a Christmas tree

A primitive popcorn and chestnut garland, 1920’s lead tinsel garland, mercury glass beads, primitive Santa tags with old postcard images, and other Victorian themed ornaments helped create the look I was going for.

Ideas for an old world german style Christmas tree

The old shabby chic painted secretary filled with my silver plate collection was easy to decorate by adding some vintage bulbs, bottle brush trees, a Belsnickle in a berry red cloak and a couple of thrifted vintage angels.

How to decorate for Christmas with vintage style

A vintage Currier and Ives Winter tin platter will remain on display throughout winter.

Vintage angel tree topper

Vintage angel decoration

A beautiful Belsnickle German Santa

This year I really didn’t do an elaborate tablescape for Christmas, so a full tablescape blog post wasn’t in order. I did fill a wooden dough bowl full of Christmas greens (pine, juniper, cedar, magnolia, holly), colonial style fruits and some pretty green candles from Dollar Tree for my centerpiece. I put out some lovely green, gold and white china plates with plaid saucers and a couple of ironstone bowls full of nuts on top.

How to decorate a farm table for Christmas

I also decorated the chandelier with a wreath and bulbs for an extra festive touch.

Festive Christmas Centerpiece with winter greenery and colonial fruits


Beautiful Christmas dining room decor

I added a lot of other winter touches around the rest of the dining room and on my shabby French faux mantel and fireplace area behind the farm table.

Shabby Chic CHristmas Dining Room tour

Another magnolia garland adorns the faux fireplace mantel. I love the simplicity of the green against all the white. The use of magnolia was a surprise since I had only bought the garlands to make wreaths, and I just decided to try them in the dining room on a whim. Although magnolia is extremely popular in farmhouse and “fixer-upper” style homes, here I think it adds more of a touch of old southern Christmas charm.

Decorating for Christmas with shabby chic vintage collectibles


Shabby Chic Christmas decor

Most visitors don’t believe that my whole house is decorated with inexpensive junkin’ finds, but sometimes the tell-tale signs are there if you look! I just realized that I went the whole Christmas season with the price still marked on my beautiful shabby chic cast iron angel stocking holders! I had just stuck them on the mantel to see if I would like them with all intentions of cleaning off the red crayon price, then I got distracted by decorating and forgot about it. #junkerprobs! No one seemed to notice, I guess there are quite a few treasures to distract from such a mishap!

How to create a shabby chic Christmas mantel

Even funnier, I didn’t pay that price! I actually found the angels at a yard sale for $1 each from another junker who had previously paid $2.99 at a thrift shop! They may have been thrifted junk, but I think they have a beautiful antique look which is perfect for the mantel and shelf where so many other brocante style treasures are always displayed. The gorgeous ivory velvet ribbon and crystal prisms definitely show my love of all things romantic and shabby chic.

Beautiful teal Christmas decor

Many of these Christmas or treasures in shades of teal blue and wintry hues will remain on display after the holidays, and with just a few simple changes the dining room will easily transition the winter. I will share more of the dining room decorated for winter  and a bit more of these winter vignettes later this month.

As we leave the dining room, we head back out toward the door but not before passing by the staircase which is full of vintage Christmas treasures to explore!

How to decorate a staircase for christmas

The area beside the staircase is very vintage indeed! The pencil Christmas tree next to an antique dresser is full of vintage ornaments, and Santa has left many vintage toys under the tree just for me!

VIntage Christmas home tour

This year I also received some awesome Hunter boots for Christmas, and if all the forecasts are correct, I will be getting a lot of use out of them this winter!

In the fall I moved my antique, white distressed dresser from our bedroom down by the staircase and I love it in it’s new spot. It is a beautiful piece to display vintage Christmas postcards, a very old set of lead winter skaters figures, and some other vintage Christmas collectibles.

A Christmas vignette old clocks vintage Christmas collectibles

A collection of vintage lead ice skaters

Vintage Christmas postcard collection

Adorable vintage kissing angel figures

These adorable vintage angels were a Christmas gift from my mother this year. Yesterday I moved them to a new spot to create A Timeless New Year’s Eve Vignette which you might enjoy reading after this post if you missed it.

Christmas decorating ideas for a staircase

I combine vintage ornaments from all eras on the skinny pencil tree.

Beautiful Victorian Christmas decoration

It is such a fun tree to decorate with so many wonderful vintage ornaments.

Vintage Ornaments

A collection of vintage ornaments on a skinny Christmas tree

I love to display nostalgic old toys under the tree too.

Decorate under a Christmas tree with vintage toys


Christmas home tour tree at night

As I finish up this post it is now night time, and we all are saying goodbye to the holidays as it’s “back to the real world” tomorrow. I certainly hope you have enjoyed this Christmas home tour “Grand Finale” and all of the other Christmas posts I shared this season.  I know I have certainly enjoyed all of yours and hearing so many nice and encouraging comments from my readers too. VIntage New Year's Vignette

As we bid a bittersweet farewell to Christmas, I send you and yours Best New Year Wishes for 2018!  I am looking forward to what the new year brings. I have many exciting plans and projects that I will be sharing here on the blog, so be sure to subscribe by email or follow on your favorite form of social media so you don’t miss out on the fun.

Thank you all for a wonderful and inspirational holiday season. Good night, God bless you, and Happy New Year friends!


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  • Reply Angelina

    Amber, I enjoyed your Grand Finale tour tremendously! I love all of your beautiful Belsnickel figurines. I know if I were there in person I would spend at least an hour just adoring all of the Christmas decor! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

    January 2, 2018 at 9:36 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you Angelina! And I see you that you are familiar with the Santas, (and of course you know your German) as you spelled “Belsnickel” in the traditional German way! I am not sure why companies that market them have spelled them “Belsnickle.” Anyway, I am so glad you stopped by for the tour. I feel the same way about your home tours. I could stay forever taking in all the treasures. I can’t wait to see what you share in 2018! Happy New Year!

      January 2, 2018 at 9:51 pm
  • Reply Debbie Williams

    Beautiful. Love it all. I have a collection of Christmas trees I put across bookcases, and lots of nativities.

    Your home looks cozy and inviting. Enjoyed the tour.

    January 3, 2018 at 1:26 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Hello Debbie! Thank you so much for visiting today. I have one Italian Nativity and I a few nativity ornaments but I have been looking for more over the past few years. I noticed on the home tour that I only had a couple of small references to Jesus and that bothered me. I didn’t notice it as I was working on the post but after I read it over and over I just kept thinking something was missing, and in all that vintage junk, what more could I possibly need? But then I realized I didn’t really even show much of my nativity this year here or on Instagram. I have already decided to focus more oh HIM next year. I did share some of the nativity in my Holiday Music Room Tour from early December.

      I am so glad you visited today. Have a great new year!

      January 5, 2018 at 3:58 am
  • Reply Pam Richardson

    Amber, what a magical Christmas Home tour! I love all of your collections and vintage finds! Every room is just beautiful and I can imagine how your guests enjoyed your home this season! Happy New Year!

    January 3, 2018 at 11:23 pm
  • Reply Debbie-Dabble

    OMG!!!! You are a girl after my own heart!! I LOVE your home and it is spectacular all decked out for Christmas!! Love your front porch!! LOVE your collection of Belsnickle Santa’s!!! And all your Vintage style cards and the old world Santa’s!!!! I adore that shabby green cabinet in front of the fireplace!! LOVE your dining room, especially the chairs!! And your doll house is amazing!! Looking forward to seeing more photos of it!!! But what really made me squeal in delight was the area by your stairs!!! Love the tree and all the decorations on it!!! Love the cabinet and the clock!!! Everything is breath taking and you know it is so my taste!! I have to say this,,,, Now this was a Christmas House Tour!! Not like some other blogs who show 1 tree, a centerpiece and a few pillows and call it a Home Tour!! This was fantastic, my friend!!! You sure do know how to decorate for Christmas!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing and giving my more inspiration!! I pinned a lot of your photos!

    January 4, 2018 at 12:20 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thanks Debbie! I am 42 and have been collecting Christmas since I was probably an hour old, as I am sure my mom and grandmother already had ornaments for me! Both of them are Christmas collectors too. By the time I graduated high school I surely had more Christmas decor than most “grown ups” in addition I have always collected vintage and old toys which are easily able to add into Christmas decor. Thank you so much for all of your encouraging comments!

      January 5, 2018 at 3:51 am
  • Reply Judy Biggerstaff

    Wow, love your grand finale Christmas home tour of 2017. So many special pieces to see and adore. Love them all. So much to see and enjoy on your tour and blog. Thanks for letting us step inside.

    January 4, 2018 at 5:31 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you Judy! I am so happy you stopped by! I hope you will link up your most recent posts at Thursday Favorite Things this week too. Have a great weekend ahead!

      January 4, 2018 at 4:38 pm
  • Reply Sherry

    You have a very beautiful home thank you for sharing it with us. I too am a Kentucky blogger and live a little south of Louisville. Sending you Blessings in 2018!

    January 4, 2018 at 4:39 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Hi Sherry! I am so glad to meet another KY blogger. I love the Louisville area. Have you been to the “famous” Louisville Architectural salvage? I am thinking of visiting this summer! I will be heading over to check out your blog soon. Thanks for visiting today and come back soon!

      January 5, 2018 at 4:56 am
  • Reply Kathy A

    Your home tour was wonderful. I have a few of the international Santas and keep my eyes open for more! I love dollhouse sized Santas of all eras. Will enjoy seeing more of the dh as it is redone; none of my are totally done–kind of like a real house!

    January 5, 2018 at 1:14 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Hello Kathy! Thank you so much for visiting today! I hope to start sharing some before pics of the “reno” soon and updating throughout the year as it goes along. Yes, as I was looking at it, I realized it needed many things our house needs: Floors redone, damaged siding replaced, updated paint colors and lighting…and the list goes on and on! Oh well at least it will be fun! Come back soon and have a great new year too!

      January 5, 2018 at 4:54 am
  • Reply Maristella

    Just wonderful!Happy New Year!

    January 6, 2018 at 12:51 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you very much! Thanks for visiting. I hope you will come back soon!

      January 6, 2018 at 3:44 am
  • Reply Jann Olson

    Your entire home is always so delightful Amber, I could spend days there looking at each and every little thing! Love your new green cabinet and your Belsnickle Santa’s! I have only one. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    January 8, 2018 at 5:25 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you Jann, I love when my kindred vintage soul sisters like you take my home tours, because I know you will “get it” with some of my quirky nostalgia mixed in with everything else. I hope you have a great weekend!

      January 12, 2018 at 5:53 pm
  • Reply Claire

    Everything looks so beautiful. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂 Hope you can join us again soon.

    January 8, 2018 at 1:38 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Hi Claire, thanks so much for visiting and for hosting! I will be linking up again!

      January 12, 2018 at 5:51 pm
  • Reply Cynthia White

    What a beautiful home you have! I love it all!

    January 8, 2018 at 6:56 pm
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you so much! I hope you will visit again soon. Next week I am sharing a neutral winter home tour you might enjoy. Have a great weekend!

      January 12, 2018 at 5:51 pm
  • Reply Cecilia

    What an absolutely delightful Christmas tour, Amber! Your angel tree toppers are charming! Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    January 9, 2018 at 2:15 am
    • Reply Amber Lyon Ferguson

      Thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful party too!

      January 12, 2018 at 5:50 pm

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